作者:John Hejduk
1. Object 對象 _ a: Structure架構(真實描述→地點、場景)
2. Subject 主題 _ a: The Accused被告,被控告的(故事性,加入想像看法→對象)
3. original manuscript 手稿圖面(縱合1.2項,以圖面和建築空間方式呈現)
Object/對象_索引1.Summer Visito’s Place/ 避暑的地點2. Bargeman’s Places/Bargeman的地方 3.Hotel/飯店4.Tower Hill高起的山丘/5.Retired General’s Place/ Retired General的廣場﹍﹍﹍
Subject 主題_索引1.The Summer Visitor/避暑遊客2. The Bargeman/Bargeman3. The Transients/短暫居住者;過往旅客4. The Sentinels/步哨;哨兵5. The Retired General/退休將軍﹍﹍﹍
索引1. 避暑的地點/避暑遊客
索引2. Bargeman的地方/Bargeman
索引3. 飯店/短暫居住者;過往旅客
索引4. 高起的山丘/步哨;哨兵
索引5. Retired General的廣場/退休將軍

1.Object:Prison House(監獄眾議院)-監獄之家
Structure:Wood frame,wood surfaces,copper roof and glass skylight. A cube contained within a cube. A wood stair in the interior cube connects with the Cross-Over Bridge. The bridge connects the prison House with the Court House. The Accused can crossover. The internal cube contains a chair,a desk and a bed. All food is fresh (not to be cooked). There is a small wood stair which connects the inner cube with an element which is suspended on the facade facing the exterior voided court. The element has an eye-level slit across its surface 2in high and 4ft long. The inhabitant of the cube can look out from the slit to the voided court. The inhabitant can see the Church House and the Death House, but never the exterior of the Court House. The Accused can also see the walls of suspended chairs and the extended planks. The floor of the Prison House is made of earth.
中譯:木框架、木表面、銅屋頂和玻璃天窗。一個立方體內包含的立方體。立方體內部有個木臺階用來連接天橋橋梁。橋梁用來連接法院和牢房。立方體內部包含一把椅子、一張書桌和一張床。 所有食物都是新鮮的(不被烹調)。小木台階連接於內部的立方體,並且懸掛在門與門中的一條窄縫。門的對面則為廢棄法院。窄縫的表面範圍大概為2英吋長高則為4英呎長。當地的居民能從裂縫看到廢棄的法院。 居民也能看到教會安置和死囚刑前的住房,但從未見過法院的外貌。被告的人則能看的道懸掛的椅子和延長的板條牆壁。牢房的地板由泥土所構成。
2.Subject:The Accused(被告人)
It is necessary for the Farm Community to know that there is always an Accused inhabiting the Prison house. Each Farm Community member is allotted a number. When it becomes necessary to replenish the empty Prison House the vertical Wheel of Chance is uncovered and spun by the Carpenter. A number comes up and the holder of that number is places in the interior cube. The wheel is then re-covered with a new cloth made of iris fibers. The old cloth is placed in the Voided Court.
中譯:居住在農業社會和農場裡必須知道,在這樣的社會總是需要關犯人的監獄。 這個社會的每個成員都有機會被分配到這樣的工作。當監獄變的空曠沒人居住,責被分配到的人則須進入堅獄。所有人都不可能因為身分而避免掉這樣的責任。這包括木工。這些事都發生在這個立方體內。輪子被新的纖維衣服所遮住,舊的衣服則被放置在廢棄的法院裡。
3. original manuscript 手稿圖面

不同的元素被放入一個構圖中 (索引49.50.61)

John Hejduk如何說故事?利用各種觀察(空間和使用者),加入個人感觀或想像故事,以圖面呈現建築和空間。
→ 重新檢視過去提問和關心問題→建築和空間隨著時間不斷被拆、建→個人(應該是彈性變化)
→ 拆建、改建、重建、增建、違建(所有形式可能)、三合院、公寓、大樓、住商混合、吊車、挖土機、垂直電梯﹍﹍﹍